Our customers testify
MBioLIMS BioBanking® is a software for the management of biological sample collections dedicated to BRC (Biological Resource Center), Biobanks, Cohort Studies and Research Centers. It has been successfully deployed for managing many biospecimen collections of different pathologies in single and network infrastructures.
BRC & Biobanks
Software for Tumor Bank – Biological Resource Center in Oncology (BRC-O)
Pr Christian CHABANNON – Institut Paoli-Calmettes
MBioLIMS® user for 11 years
MBioLABEL® user for 11 years
” For many years, I have headed two facilities at Institut Paoli-Calmettes, the Comprehensive Cancer Center serving the Marseilles metropolitan area and the western part of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region. The Cell Therapy Facility is in charge of collecting, processing, storing and delivering hematopoietic cell therapy products for adult and pediatric recipients of autologous and allogeneic stem cell transplantations. The Tumor Bank or Biological Resource Center in Oncology (BRC-O) collects, stores and distributes series of annotated samples of human origin to study the mechanisms of oncogenesis and help design and evaluate innovative diagnostic or therapeutic tools in oncology. Both activities are strictly regulated, a basic requirement being robust and stable identification and traceability of all processed samples. IT systems – LIMS – that are marketed by Modul-Bio provide flexible and user-friendly solutions that are well adapted to our professional practices and easily adopted by all categories of personnel. They can be operated with other elements of the institutional IT systems. Efficient and rapid support since we installed these products close to 10 years ago is an important asset that produces trust. “
Software for DNA, RNA and Tissue banks
Pr Philippe FROGUEL – Lille Pasteur Institute
MBioLIMS® user for 6 years
MBioLABEL® user for 6 years
” The team I am heading focusing on “genomic and metabolic diseases” uses for its research a Biobank of DNA, RNA and tissue accounting for more than 60,000 different samples. These biological sample collections representing hundreds of thousands of tubes are now managed by MBioLIMS BioBanking® software. This management is crucial since this Biobank is the main component of our research on the pathology of diabetes, obesity and associated cardiovascular diseases. It is therefore extremely important to use a reliable and accurate software like MBioLIMS® in order to remain among the world leaders in our field. “
Software for BRC
Marine Largeau – Head of the Biological Resource Centre (BRC) at Foch Hospital.
MBioLIMS® user for 2 years
MBioLABEL® user for 2 years
” The modular functionality of the MBioLIMS BioBanking® software allows our biobank to ensure the traceability of all its activities on a single tool, for time saving and greater simplicity. The biobank of the Foch Hospital has just obtained the combined NF S96-900 and ISO 20387 certification, thus demonstrating of our ability to provide biological samples, and their associated data, of high quality for research purposes. “
Software for BRC
Stanie GAETE – Guadeloupe Biological Ressource Center
MBioLIMS® user for 4 years
MBioLABEL® user for 4 years
” The Guadeloupe BRC is a Biological Resources Center who has among its thematics : cancer and emerging infectious diseases in tropical zone such as dengue disease, leptospirosis and chikungunya. We are using the Modul-Bio software for our studies’ management (benefit, collaborations..) and our own collections (requalifications, prospective collection…). MBioLIMS BioBanking® software modularity make it an indispensable tool in our research work, for identifying metabolics , genetics and environmentals predictives factors in caribean region-specific. “
Software for Biorepository
Maxime Anquetin – BioKryo
MBioLIMS® user for 3 years
MBioLABEL® user for 3 years
” BioKryo, a subsidiary of the Air Liquide Group, is a biorepository offering an outsourcing solution for the conservation of biological samples at very low temperatures. We offer a cryogenic preservation solution for all types of samples (human, animal, plant, micro-organisms, etc.) and in all forms of containers (tubes, bags, vials, straws, etc). MBioLIMS BioBanking® software from the company Modul-Bio has been configured according to our specific needs, and is supplied as a hosted solution. It ensures a perfect traceability of the operations carried out on the samples transmitted by our customers (reception – movements and storage temperature – shipment). Its flexibility enables us to adapt to all the formats of containers from our customers, including any new ones. In addition, it is also used by the operational and quality teams for the daily management of the equipment used at the biobank. “
Cohort studies
Software for national cohort
Boris CALMELS – CryoStem (GvHD national cohort)
MBioLIMS® user for 4 years
MBioLABEL® user for 4 years
MBioBank® user for 10 months
” CryoStem: a national cohort dedicated to GvHD – Graft versus Host Disease – that aims to collect biological samples pre- and post-allograft Hematopoietic stem cells to study the GvHD. In 2012, we asked Modul-Bio to set up a software for the management and traceability of the biological collection accross multiple sites. In six months time, the software was developped and deployed in 10 BRC. Today it is used by more than 160 people every day, in 23 BRC and 33 transplant units project partners; over 100,000 aliquots of this rare disease are managed through this software. The availability of a custom database, scalable, easily accessible by multiple hospitals and the responsiveness of the team give us entire satisfaction. “
Software for national longitudinal study
Sophie de VISME ELFE – (national cohort studying children from birth to adulthood)
MBioLIMS® user for 5 years
” Modul-Bio has rapidly adapted its MBioLIMS® software according to our needs. Despite the short notice, we were able to maintain a project management methodology. The software has been implemented in 15 EFS BioBanks participating in the study, and they have all found the software quick to learn and easy to use. This software allows full traceability of all operations performed on biological samples across the sites while maintaining a global perspective. “
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